Higher Education Department

Fraud Hotline: 087 077 5556
Ingwe TVET College

Administration Centre
Badibanise Village
Mount Frere
Tel: 039 940 2142

Principal’s Office

Principal: Mr. B. E. Nkonyane

Tel: 039 940 2142 Ext 137

Email: bnkonyane@ingwecollege.edu.za

Internal Audit

It is the role of the Internal Audit Unit to provide assurance that the College’s Risk Management, Governance and internal Control Processes are operating effectively.

Project Management Unit

The PMU’s responsibility is to ensure that college projects are executed within the allocated budget, in accordance with technical specifications and within acceptable time frames.

Governance Section

The governance section gives strategic direction and accountability at the College. It has the function of overseeing the financial performance of the college and making sure its funds are well spent.